Important Links

Healthy Shopping Guidelines

Healthy Eating Starts with Healthy Shopping

This 1-page tip sheet provides suggestions for lower fat and lower calorie foods to fill your kitchen with when you go shopping.

Low Calorie Shopping List

This page describes how to use the Nutrition Facts Label when shopping for low calorie foods.

Fat-Free Versus Regular Calorie Comparison

This page describes common fat-free or reduced fat foods that don't necessarily mean low calorie foods when compared to the regular versions.

Lower Fat, Lower Calorie Alternative Foods

This link is a great resource for offering suggestions for lower-fat versions of higher-fat foods.

Healthy Eating at Work or Home

This link takes you to CDC's Healthy Eating at Work or Home for tips and articles to help maintain healthy eating. How cool is that?

Articles presented on are for education and information only. For specific medical conditions, please consult your doctor or specialist. Peak Conditon LLC & Todd Dattoli. All Rights Reserved.